Open banking PSD2
The Beobank API meets the needs of third-party payment service providers (TPPs) to access Beobank customers' payment accounts under the Payment Services Directive 2 2015/2366 (PSD2). The API provides the following services:
- Account information and transactions for account information service providers (AISP)
- Initiating payments from an account for payment initiation service providers (PISP)
- Verification of the availability of funds for card-based payment instrument issuers (CBPII)
The Beobank API is a RESTful API following Stet's standard (v 1.4).
TPP developers are invited to consult our technical documentation available online. If you wish to launch your developments and use our test environment ("sandbox"), we invite you to complete the contact form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The daily statistics of availability and performance of the dedicated Beobank interface, published quarterly, are available online.